Google Site Kit es una prácticamente esencial en WordPress. En especial si usas soluciones de Google como la Search Console o Google Analytics. Hoy...
SEO, y experimentos
A estas alturas del partido, ya no es novedad lo muy importante que es tener un muy buen SEO. Lo que si aún andaba un poco debajo de mi radar era el...
The importance of blogging or to blog
Should one just spend some time blogging or not? or writing in general? That is part of the question, but also with just frequency. Something that...
Xbox Scorpio, a change in niche market?
A few days ago the Xbox Scorpio was finally revealed. And while it has some really impressive specs, up to 4.6x performance boost compared to...
LimeSurvey: Let’s make some polls
Recently, I have been playing some with a new software named LimeSurvey. This is a tool that lets you create surveys and polls. Ideal to ask people...
Canvas at Facebook
I do not know when it was that they did implement them... but after I have come back to the platform (after many years of not using it), its one of...
Video Editing
Good, video editing can for sure be a pain in the ass if you do not have a proper computer... like that has been happening to me right now. I mean,...
Facebook? uh?
OK, I am going to be honest... While my experience with "digital marketing" has been... limited... I must admit that it seems a whole new beast,...